A Responsibility Oscar Newman Takes Seriously "One of the most rewarding things to do is to step away from the everyday frenzy of a small business, and take time out to acknowledge what got us here in the first place: entrepreneurial genes, passion, a deep love for animals, and the support of other entrepreneurs" said Charisa Antigua, CEO of Oscar Newman LLC. On May 19, 2010, co-founders, Charisa Antigua and Carmina O'Connor stepped away from their small business battlefield to give back to others just like them - new and growing entrepreneurs. As part of a joint business venture by SCORE (Counselors to America's Small Business) and American Express OPEN, Oscar Newman took part in a day-long small business coaching event, meeting and networking with other business owners. Charisa was invited to be a panelist on a "Success Story" workshop, where she shared ON experiences and answered questions from the attendees.
Charisa and Carmina are all too familiar about the rewards and sacrifices that come from owning a small business. They know that small businesses are the back-bones of the American economy, and these entrepreneurial "warlords" are the heart and soul of American free enterprise. "Being with other entrepreneurs, feeling their passion and energy is contagious" Charisa said. "It's just as satisfying to be able to help others grow their business, as it is to grow our own."